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>> Skydiving >> USPA >> Elections >> Number of RD Candidates
Number of RD CandidatesThe table below shows the number of Regional Director Candidates in the USPA elections by region since 1990.
SummaryThe boxes colored yellow show the regional elections that had more than one person on the ballot. Twenty-six regional elections had more than one candidate. This is 23.2% of the 112 regional elections. The boxes colored pink show the regional elections that had no one on the ballot. Nine regional elections had no declared candidate. This is 8% of the 112 regional elections. The boxes colored blue show the regional elections that had only one person on the ballot. Seventy-Seven regional elections had one declared candidate that ran unopposed. This is 69% of the 112 regional elections. DiscussionA large number of elections with no or only one declared candidate is a symptom of either satisfaction with the elected officials or an inherent problem with getting on the ballot. Non-incumbent RD Candidates must collect signatures from 10% of the members in their region. Incumbents do not have to collect signatures. Is it fair to have two standards? Are USPA members so satisfied with their elected officials that there are no other people that wish to be a Regional Director? For comparison look at the number of candidates for National Director. There are 8 ND positions. There have been a total of 118 candidates for the 64 ND positions.
National Director candidates or incumbents do not have to collect signatures from membership. Why do you think so few people run for RD?
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